In a better world, every family will learn from children. You are in such a hurry to teach them. Nobody seems to learn from them, and they have much to teach you. And you have nothing to teach them.
Just because you are older and powerful you start making them just like you without ever thinking about what you are, where you have reached, what your status is in the inner world. You are a pauper; and you want the same for your child also?
But nobody thinks; otherwise people would learn from small children. Children bring so much from the other world because they are such fresh arrivals. They still carry the silence of the womb, the silence of the very existence."
- Quoted from Osho's talk, From Darkness to Light, Session 2 March 1, 1985.
Spiritoons are created with immense Love and with Inspirations from my Beloved Master Osho and reflects his vision for a New Way of Living based in "Awareness" and the "Here & Now".